International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Local Union No. 102
Effective January 1, 2013
1. For the purpose of referral only, Local 102 will be divided into two areas, EAST and WEST. WEST will consist of Warren County, the Local 102 portions of Hunterdon County and Pennsylvania. EAST will consist of Morris, Passaic, Sussex, Union and the Local 102 portions of Bergen and Somerset Counties. When an applicant designates EAST, WEST or BOTH, and later wants to change the designation, he or she can do so beginning on the 10th and ending on the 16th of each month.
2. Applicants for employment must register in person at the Local 102 Headquarters located at 50 Parsippany Road, Parsippany, NJ. Applicants can register on the out-of-work list any time during normal business hours. Normal business hours shall be 7:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday. The initial sign-up time will be 7:30 am.
3. Applicants will be allowed two (2) turndowns without penalty and rolled completely off the books for a third (3) turndown. They must then re-register in person at the Local 102 Headquarters in Parsippany NJ after being rolled off the list. Being unavailable for referral when work would have been offered to the applicant will be considered a turndown. Registrants will be charged one turndown per day for jobs offered that are working normal hours as described in the collective bargaining agreement. Rejection of the applicant by the employer will not be considered a turndown.
4. All applicants will be required to resign monthly beginning on the 10th and ending on the 16th each month. Resign may be accomplished by FAX, E-MAIL, MAIL or IN PERSON. All FAX, E-MAIL and MAIL re-signs must be received at the Parsippany office during business hours. Phone calls are not acceptable for re-sign.
Re-sign FAX: 973-887-1902
Re-sign ELECTRONIC: (go to Referral tab) Re-Sign MAIL: IBEW Local 102 Referral Office 50 Parsippany Road Parsippany, NJ 07054
5. Dispatch time will begin at 7:30 am and will end when all calls are filled. The Business Manager is responsible to fill calls in a timely manner as needed by employers. This means in an emergency, referral may have to be made outside normal business hours using whatever means are available to fill calls and place registrants.
6. When referred to work, and for no fault of your own, you are laid off and have only worked 160 cumulative straight time hours or less, the applicant will be reinserted on the out of work list on their original sign date, provided they resign within one week after being laid off. Any member who has accumulated 160 hours and returned to the out of work list, will not be forced to take another call of 160 hours or less.
7. Any registrant who notifies the Referral Office in writing prior to, will be permitted without penalty, two (2) weeks vacation between January 1 and June 30, and another two (2) weeks vacation, between July 1 and December 31 of each year. When employed, a two (2) week vacation will be recognized to hold your jobs. Anything longer will be considered a layoff.
8. Any applicant who quits a job, or asks for a lay-off, without the permission of the Business Manager’s office, or is discharged with cause for any reason other than lack of work or reduction in force, will be forced to re-register on the out-of-work list as a new registrant. This includes employees on short term calls.
9. Any applicant who receives two (2) discharges for cause within a twelve (12) month period will be suspended from future referral privileges until they appear before the Appeals Committee for a determination as to their continued eligibility for referral.
10. The Appeals Committee is composed of one member appointed by the union, one member appointed by the employer association and a public member appointed by both.
11. Any applicant accepting a referral thru the Local 102 office is required to have a valid OSHA 30 Training Certificate to be considered a qualified applicant and will not be referred without the required OSHA 30 Training Certificate.
12. Once an applicant qualifies for, requests and is granted Group I status in any local union, he shall retain that status in the local union and shall not be required to requalify unless he qualifies for, requests and is granted Group I status in another local union. If that situation occurs, the applicant would have to requalify for Group I status in any previous local union(s) in which he enjoyed Group I status.
13. All job dispatches will be made thru web bids or day book registrations. All available jobs will be posted on the IBEW Local 102 online dispatch site and job bidding will start at 5:00 pm and close at 7:00 am each day. Available jobs will also be posted on a recorded phone message on the Local 102 Job Line. There will be no option of bidding thru the phone recording. Any applicant using the phone recording must shape the hall between the hours of 7:00 am and 7:30 am each day that jobs are offered, to have the ability to take a job call.
Online Dispatch can be accessed by logging into the Local 102 web site at or by accessing the Online Dispatch login page at
Your initial login will be as follows:
Username: IBEW Card Number
Password: Your last name followed by the last 4 numbers of your social security number
You must change your password the first time you login, to access the site.
The recorded job line recording can be accessed by dialing 973-884-5360